We sat down with Jessica Harlan, Founder and CEO of “Vibrantly Handcrafted,” to discuss how she manages motherhood, academics, a full time career, all while pursuing her true passions through her startup.

Jessica, thank you for sitting down with us today, I’m really excited to share this interview with our readers!
I think first and foremost, we want to know: how do you do it all without changing the laws of quantum physics? Surely there aren’t enough hours in the day for the average person to do what you do!
First and foremost, I drink a LOT of caffeine! Also, I am fortunate enough to have a “day” job, where I can focus on my company at the same time. Having that financial cushion helps tremendously.
My motivation to create is critical when it comes to keeping me going. I also love what I do, and nothing is more fulfilling than doing something you’re genuinely passionate about.
Amazing, we can all certainly learn to fit some time management in our lives. What inspired you to start Vibrantly Handcrafted?
I was already making products for friends as a hobby. I thought, why not use my hobby to make money?
My husband then encouraged me further, bought me a “She-shed,” and provided me with all tools that helped me turn my hobby into a startup.
Nice, I’ve looked at some of your designs and must say, there is some unique style in your work. How do your design ideas come to fruition?
My design ideas all come from people. I enjoy making people’s ideas become a reality.
Very interesting! In the early days of your startup, what direction did you want the company to go? Did anything change and you needed to adapt?
Initially, I only hoped to have a startup business that was nationwide. As I became more popular, I was starting to receive new orders from all over the world.
It’s a bit of a shocker that people in other countries are interested in my products. I now must prepare myself and the company to cater to a global market and start shipping worldwide. That was not on the initial plan, but I am not going to complain!
What is your overall philosophy for expanding Vibrantly Handcrafted?
I am not as interested in expanding as I am in perfecting. I think too many people focus on expansion when their product isn’t 100%.
My goal is to make sure I provide a top-quality product consistently before making any expansion plans. I want Vibrantly Handcrafted products to be desired because of the quality, affordability, and popularity through “trending.”
Fascinating, so what do you hope to accomplish in the next year, both personally and with Vibrantly Handcrafted?
On a personal level, I plan to complete my Associate’s Degree in Health Care Administration. Academic strength is a necessary fallback, and I can’t put all my eggs in one basket. Aside from that, I hope to become better at time management, both for myself and my company.
Fortune favors the bold, as they say! What would you say was the single contributing factor or accomplishment that shaped your career path?
One day I looked at my earnings from this hobby, and I could see my husband was right; this could be a business.
When my husband mentioned I could make a career out of this, I was reluctant to accept that. Then one day, as I was casually looking over our sales numbers, I realized he might be right, that this could actually be a business and a source of income.
At that moment, I think that realization turned my focus on enhancing the company’s product line and focusing on our customers.
Walk us through your rationale before making a big financial decision. What criteria do you consider most important?
Quality before anything. I can’t say this enough. I believe you get what you pay for, and I am willing to pay a little more for my customer’s happiness. That includes all aspects, from the raw materials, the artistry, the craft, and the finishing touches.
People will stay loyal to a product if the product is top shelf.
What is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? How do you balance the two?

My greatest strength is my ability to multitask. Being a full-time mother, having a day job, and working on an academic degree while simultaneously turning a startup into a globally recognized brand.
My weakness is sometimes I can be too kind, and as a result, get taken advantage of. I am lucky I have a family that keeps me focused and centered. They guide me on a path to avoid those who want to prey on my kindness.
Where do you see Vibrantly Handcrafted five years from now?
Once I feel we have perfected the qualitative variables I mentioned earlier, I’ll focus on expansion. I see investing in a more prominent location, hiring more team members, and delivering the message that “being a mom shouldn’t limit your success.”
What was one of the hardest decisions you had to make as it pertains to your career?
The hardest decision was committing to actually go through with starting Vibrantly Handcrafted. It’s not an easy decision when you have a family, work, and academics permeating your schedule.
What personality traits make a great leader? How do you evolve and incorporate these ideas when managing your company?
The best personality trait is being able to have empathy for people’s situations. I make my products knowing that as people, we go through a lot, and if my products could wash away the stress they have, even for a moment, I am happy knowing I may have helped them get over that stress.
What was the most innovative product or design you worked on? How did your clients and customers react?
My most innovative product was my signature design that I recently created. It was my customers who asked for it, and I aim to please!

What would you say are the most helpful tech platforms and tools you have used personally, how did they ease the transition from startup to a company with a growing customer base?
The Facebook platform has been a huge factor in allowing me to connect with people internationally. It has helped me gain the attention that my business needed, as all startups do.
Shopify has helped me create a web space to showcase and sell all my products without needing high-level software/web engineering skills.
The best tech tools I have used are Canva and CriCut Design Space. They have been vital in making many of my products.
Who are your biggest competitors, and how do you differentiate and stand out?
Well, I don’t think I really have any competitors per se. My focus is on niche markets and customizability, so separate from the big box automated markets, my competitive advantage is the unique and personalized touch, I.e., the Vibrantly Handcrafted brand.
I think what I am doing is relatively brand new in this space, and that’s what makes me stand out from most competitors, who only have one aspect of what I do. Customers end up coming to you because of your brand, quality, and care. If you give them that, they won’t need to go to a competitor.
What are the biggest challenges you foresee in the next several years, both personally and for Vibrantly Handcrafted?
The biggest challenges are staying fresh, new, and keeping up with demand. Consistency is also a significant factor, particularly when expanding and relinquishing some level of control.
All of these will be factors I need to focus on to ensure Vibrantly Handcrafted remains relevant and popular in the public mind.
Suppose you invested considerable time in a design and product you genuinely believed would be successful, and it had failed? What are your next steps?
I don’t need to “suppose” haha, I have experienced it firsthand, and it’s all a learning process. I don’t necessarily call them failures; rather, learning opportunities.
If we don’t get it right, we pick ourselves up and try again. We listen to customer feedback to avoid known and potential setbacks as often as possible. You have to keep the cycle going.
Who are the people in your life who inspire you the most?

My husband and my daughter.
My husband has been my rock throughout this process, providing me with the support and motivation I needed to keep going.
My daughter and her brutal yet honest feedback inspire me to be better every day. They both help me understand that you should always follow your dreams, and never let roadblocks get in your way.
Who are your heroes? Who do you look up to for guidance when navigating the realms of leading a company?
While I’d like to say what I do is impressive, the real “heroes” are the mothers who do it all by themselves. Before I met my husband, it was just my daughter and I, and being a single mom has taught me a lot. I believe being a single mom and still being able to juggle and kick butt makes you a hero.
I also believe heroes are the ones who have sacrificed their comfort and lives for our freedom, as our veterans and fallen service members do and have done.
Lastly, heroes are all the men and women in the medical field; doctors, nurses, EMTs, who know the importance of caring, aiding, and human life. They are all heroes to me. That’s where my guidance comes from. I know that if they can do all of that, I can certainly handle this.
Suppose in five years, Vibrantly Handcrafted grows considerably, to a globally recognized brand. Do you still see yourself being hands on with the company, or would you rather sit back, delegate, and focus on other projects?
I think a mix of both. I never want to miss out on time with my family, and I never want to be “out of control” with the quality that Vibrantly Handcrafted is committed to bringing. I think balance is the key, and perhaps the takeaway message here.
Jessica, thank you so much for your time today. We would love to follow up with you and Vibrantly Handcrafted, where can readers learn more about you and your company?
My pleasure, thank you for having me! It really means a lot. You can find us online at vibrantlyhandcrafted.com and on Facebook: Vibrantly Handcrafted
You can learn more about Jessica on her website, Vibrantly Handcrafted, where you can order customized apparel, wood signs, decals, pillow cases, and more.