Jovid Bekov, a newly-minted logistics entrepreneur, who started his trucking company JB Carriers in March 2021, is optimistic about the industry’s prospects despite what’s happening in the U.S. economy.
The 34-year-old CEO saw an opportunity to provide a very in-demand service to companies like Amazon and Wal-Mart, whose logistical needs skyrocketed due to a huge uptick in online orders.

“The pandemic really forced these guys to step up their supply chain operations.”
Jovid Bekov
The demand was so immense that JB Carriers grossed over $300,000 in its first year of operations and is on track to exceed that amount this year.
“I couldn’t help but think that not only is this a lucrative enterprise but one that is much needed all over the country.”
Jovid Bekov
According to industry publication Freightwaves, up to 10% of the country’s GDP is due in part to the logistics industry in any given year. Based on economic activities in 2019, the industry at large is almost at $2 trillion.
It’s no surprise then that the issue of supply chain and logistics is top of mind even for the federal government. So much so that in February 2021, just over a month after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, he released the Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains.
“The United States needs resilient, diverse, and secure supply chains to ensure our economic prosperity and national security,” the decree noted.
Bekov said that the opportunity in logistics is only projected to multiply in the coming years and he is already preparing JB Carriers to scale, setting his sights to acquire two more semi-sleepers in the coming months. The goal is to have four by early 2023. The company will also ramp up the hiring of truck drivers and administrative personnel.
Large retailers rely on independent logistics operators like JB Carriers to pick up loads from one location (or several) and deliver them to a hub for processing. At times, the brands brand their vendors’ fleets with their logo.
Like businesses of its kind, JB Carriers is fundamental not only to a better supply chain but a sound U.S. economy.
A 2019 report by the Small Business Administration cited that small businesses accounted for almost half of economic activity in the United States.
“Without small businesses, the American economy and workforce would be a pretty wild landscape to imagine,” wrote Martin Rowinski for Forbes.
In an era when industries are challenged to ensure that shelves are stocked with supply, no thanks to the pandemic that upended trade operations and the war in Ukraine that has caused instabilities in trade routes (on top of the Evergreen’s unwelcomed six-day stay at the Suez Canal), enterprising individuals like Bekov and their businesses come to the rescue.