The banking crisis is a complex issue that affects the entire country. It’s no surprise, then, that both Joe Biden and Janet Yellen have weighed in on how to fix it. But if we want to address the problem head-on, it may be best to listen to what the bankers themselves have to say.
Bankers are experts in their field and know better than anyone else what needs doing for our financial system as a whole. They understand how different policies can affect not only banks but also consumers like Joe Six Pack who rely on them for everyday transactions or loans. In addition, they’re more likely than politicians or other public figures to be aware of any potential unintended consequences of proposed solutions — something that could end up costing taxpayers dearly down the line if left unchecked.
Ultimately, listening closely and taking into account bankers’ advice is essential when looking at ways out of this economic crisis — especially since they should bear some responsibility for getting us here in the first place! By allowing them to pay an appropriate price now rather than passing costs onto taxpayers later through bailouts or other measures, we can ensure everyone gets fair treatment while still addressing underlying issues with our banking system once and for all.
Read more at New York Post