February 5, 2025

Thank You!

Thank you for nominating a candidate for a Tech Culture Featured Interview!

We will review your candidates nomination and determine whether they fit our criteria. If we determine your candidate does not fit our criteria at this time, we will fully refund your application fee within five business days. If more than five days have past and you have not heard back, please contact us here.

Please note, these are the most common reasons why nominations are rejected:

  • It is a blatant advertisement, with little to no impact.
  • It has been determined that you or the candidate have falsely inflated the impact through deceptive means (fake comments, fake testimonials, etc.)
  • The candidates impact is more focused on self grandeur and self enrichment. We are seeking humble and modest candidates, who place their mission and impact over themselves.
  • While the candidate is lesser known, there is no mention of them anywhere other than their own personal and social media sites. We need to have some proof that the candidate has made a positive impact. They do not need to be featured in any major stories, but someone, somewhere, should be talking about them from an unbiased experience.
  • The candidate is a pseudonym, or does not exist. Nick names are okay, but significant attempts to hide the true identity of the candidate are highly suspicious and will be rejected.