The people of Chiang Mai, Thailand are riding high on the recent legalization of marijuana in their country. Among them is Chayakul, a local entrepreneur who has been cultivating and selling cannabis for several years now. He believes that weed should be treated like wine – something to savor and appreciate.
Chayakul’s passion for his craft is evident when he speaks about it; he talks with enthusiasm about tasting different strains of marijuana so that he can communicate better with customers and understand exactly what they’re looking for from him. His business model focuses on providing quality products at an affordable price point, which has earned him many loyal fans over the years.
In addition to being passionate about cannabis cultivation and sales, Chayakul also hopes to use his newfound legal status as an opportunity to educate others on the benefits of using marijuana responsibly. He wants people in his community to know more than just how it feels or tastes – but also its potential medicinal properties too! In this way, not only will more individuals benefit from consuming cannabis safely but also help create a stronger sense of unity among those living in Chiang Mai who shares similar interests regarding its usage going forward into 2021.
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